Thursday, August 7, 2014

Dental horrors

My latest 100-word terror comes via a suggestion from my daughter, Samantha, who saw something online she thought would make a good horror story.  I think she was right, and I hope you agree.

Don’t Forget to Floss


The dental hygienist frowned.

“Dr. Miller won't be happy about those gums.”

Roger Antwerp spit blood into the bowl and turned to speak, but the hygienist was gone.

The dentist came into the room and probed Roger’s mouth.  Above his mask, his eyebrows formed a bushy “V” of disapproval.

“Mrs. Antwerp,” he said, “would you and your daughter come in, please?”

Roger’s wife and 9 year-old daughter appeared.   Dr. Miller pulled a pistol out of his lab coat and shot them.  They collapsed in two crimson heaps.

“They  bleed,” the dentist explained, “because you don’t floss.”